Get list of properties

갱신 시간: 2023-04-04 20:43:05

The API returns a summary of properties including the ID, latest version number, comments, staging version number, production version number, and last update time of each one. Use query parameters to filter the list of returned properties.

  • 단일 사용자 통화 빈도: 300/5min
  • 해당 상품(제품): CDN Pro

요청 파라미터

Params 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
The value of the search parameter is matched on the id, name, description, and hostnames fields of each property. A value like '' would match on hostnames and Use a value beginning with the '^' character to narrow the matches to properties with name, description, or hostnames fields beginning with the text following the '^'. For example, '^domain' would match on hostnames and but not Since a limited number of characters are permitted in URIs, you must encode '^' as '%5E' when specifying a search parameter containing it in the URI, for example, curl -i --url '' ... . Note that a property will be returned if the search matches on any version of the property which has not been deleted. Also, when searching for a property by its ID, you must specify the entire ID as partial matches are not supported.
Service type, one of wsapro, webpro, vodpro , downloadpro , 1523.
The value of hasConfig is used to filter the results. It can be any field name of a property version, optionally followed by a colon and a value. For example: hasConfig=hasBeian:true When a colon and value are specified, only properties whose configurations have that value for the field will be returned. The value can be preceded by an exclamation mark, '!', to invert the search. For example: hasConfig=edgeLogic!sorted. In this case, we check that the edgeLogic field does not include the value 'sorted'. Searches for values of numeric or boolean fields require an exact match. However, partial matches are supported for string fields. For example, hasConfig=hostnames:domain returns all properties with a hostname containing the string 'domain' such as '' and ''. If a colon and value are omitted, all properties with a non-empty value for the field will be returned. Specify multiple hasConfig parameters to filter on multiple conditions. Example: hasConfig=hasBeian:true&hasConfig=realTimeLog Only properties matching all the parameters will be returned. If a property has multiple versions, the property will be included in the API response if any of its versions matches the hasConfig parameter. Subfields of a property version can be specified by using the period symbol as a separator. Refer to additional examples below. If matching against values with spaces or special characters, remember to encode them in the URL. Additional examples:
hasConfig=disableHttp2:trueReturn properties that don't support HTTP2
hasConfig=extraServicePorts.http:85Return properties supporting port 85 for HTTP requests.
hasConfig=origins.servers:myorigin.comReturn properties using as an origin server.
Enum: all,staging,production Default: all The value can be 'all', 'staging', or 'production' to filter the results based on where the property has been deployed.
Default: 0 Indicates the first item to return. The default is '0'.
Default: 100 Range: <= 200 Maximum number of properties to return. The default is to return a summary of all properties.
Enum: asc,desc Default: desc Order of properties to return. The default is to return the last one updated first.
Enum: creationTime,lastUpdateTime Default: lastUpdateTime Returns results in sorted order.

응답 파라미터

Body 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
List of properties.
ID of the property.
A description of the property.
RFC3339 format date indicating when the property was created.
RFC3339 date indicating when the property was last updated.
Latest version of the property.
Enum: wsapro,webpro,vodpro,downloadpro Service type, one of wsapro, webpro, vodpro , downloadpro , 1523.
Describes the version of the property deployed to staging.
Property version deployed to staging.
Hostnames of the property deployed to staging.
Describes the version of the property deployed to production.
Property version deployed to production.
Hostnames of the property deployed to production.
Range: >= 0 Number of properties.

에러 코드

에러 코드(code)설명(message)HTTP 상태 코드설명
InvalidListOffsetThe offset must be a valid non-negative integer.400The offset must be a valid non-negative integer.
InvalidTargetInvalid target query parameter. Only "all", "staging", or "production" are allowed.400Invalid target query parameter. Only "all", "staging", or "production" are allowed.
TooManyEntriesThis query could not be completed due to the exceptionally large amount of data to be processed. Please try to use some filters to reduce the scope of the query.400This query could not be completed due to the exceptionally large amount of data to be processed. Please try to use some filters to reduce the scope of the query.


요청 예제
복사 복사 완료
date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "" \
-X "GET" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date: $date" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
응답 예제
복사 복사 완료
    "count": 2,
    "properties": [
            "id": "8fdc9c949e986564cc24b149",
            "name": "TestProperty1572488767058",
            "legacyType": "webpro",
            "description": "validPropertyNoCertificate_PropertySteps",
            "latestVersion": 1,
            "lastUpdateTime": "2019-10-31T02:26:07Z",
            "creationTime": "2019-10-31T02:26:07Z"
            "id": "59ebc3af71985328ded56857",
            "name": "TestProperty1572488525164",
            "legacyType": "webpro",
            "description": "1572488525164unique description property",
            "latestVersion": 1,
            "productionVersion": {
                "version": 1,
                "hostnames": [
            "lastUpdateTime": "2019-10-31T02:22:05Z",
            "creationTime": "2019-10-31T02:22:05Z"
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