Media Acceleration-Live


갱신 시간: 2024-04-17 14:16:26

Enable an accelerated domain with a state of "disabled" and provide accelerated service with an existing configuration.

  • 한도 설명: When the accelerated domain name is enabled, the domain name's "enabled" state changes to "true". If the service order status for the domain name is incorrect or the domain name is in an illegal state, the interface cannot be invoked properly to enable the accelerated domain name.
  • 단일 사용자 통화 빈도: 300/5min
  • 해당 상품(제품): APM,Content Acceleration,Dynamic Web Acceleration,Media Acceleration-Live,Media Acceleration,Media Acceleration Live Broadcast,Flood Shield,Flood Shield 2.0

요청 파라미터

Path 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
Accelerate the ID of the domain name in the system Note: 1. See the url in the request example, 123344 for domain-id 2. After the domain name is successfully submitted, the location access url in the return parameter can be queried to the domain-id of the domain name; You can also query domain-id through the Get domain Configuration and Get domain List interfaces

응답 파라미터

Body 파라미터

파라미터 이름설명
Error code, which appears when HTTPStatus is not 202, represents the error type of the current request call
Response information, success when successful
http status code
httpstatus=202; Indicates that the new domain API was successfully invoked, and the current deployment of the new domain can be viewed using x-cnc-request-id in the header
Uniquely identified id for querying tasks per request (for all API)

에러 코드

에러 코드(code)설명(message)HTTP 상태 코드설명
NoSuchDomainThe specified domain does not exist.400The specified domain name does not exist.
ForbiddenThe domain is being deleted403Domain name has been deleted
DomainNotDisabledThe domain you are trying to enable has not been disabled.409The domain name is enabled and cannot be enabled again.
DomainCanNotEnableDomain cannot enable.409Domain name cannot be enabled
WRONG_OPERATOROperator [$operator] can not deal with domain name [$domainName].400The author cannot operate the domain name
NULL_DOMAIN_NAMENo domain.400No domain name
PARAM_INVALIDparam: {0} is null or invalid.400Parameter {0} null or illegal
CustomerNoOwnDomaincustomer not own domain name[{0}]400customer not own domain name[{0}]
InvalidParameterNo domain was specified.400No domain was specified.
DOMAIN_EXCEEDS_ENABLE_VALIDITY_PERIODThe domain has been disabled for a long time(more than 3 months), and the historical configuration may not work. To avoid the risk, please delete the domain first, then recreate a new one. Domain Names:{0}400The domain has been disabled for a long time, and the historical configuration may not work. To avoid the risk, please delete the domain first, then recreate a new one. Domain Names:{0}


요청 예제
복사 복사 완료
date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "" \
-X "PUT" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date: $date" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
응답 예제
복사 복사 완료
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Date: Fri, 17 May 2017 06:33:26 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
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