The content of the file cached on the CDN node is cleared according to the regular url method, and the entire network takes effect within 1 minute.
파라미터 이름 | 설명 |
urlRegularsList | To clean up the cached regular url collection, the format of the regular url is:
1) The URL conforms to the regular expression. Enter the example:*).png. To push the*\.txt regular expression, you need to escape the backslash when using the interface, ie*\.txt.
2) The domain name of each regular url must be the domain name accelerated by our company.
3) The maximum length of each regular url is 2000 characters.
4) If the regular url contains special characters, you need to escape and use utf-8 to escape
5) The same regular URL, the system will go to heavy and submit.
6) The default is 500 strips/day, which is the upper limit shared with the directory push. |
파라미터 이름 | 설명 |
CodeString | Status code indicating the result of the task creation |
MessageString | Indicates the response message of the system after the task is submitted. |
itemIdString | After the interface is called once and the task is successfully submitted, it will return an itemamId, which is the unique identifier of the task submitted at that time. The itemId can be used to query the status (success/failure) of the task in batches. |
에러 코드(code) | 설명(message) | HTTP 상태 코드 | 설명 |
Success | handle success | 200 | Task submitted successfully |
UserNameInvalid | username is invalid | 400 | Username is empty or user is not enabled |
ParseParameterError | parse parameter json error | 400 | parse parameter json error |
UrlRegularEmpty | url regular must not be empty | 400 | url regular must not be empty |
OnceSubmitLessThan500 | you can't submit more than 500 url regulars at a time | 400 | you can't submit more than 500 url regulars at a time |
NumberOutOfLimit | the number of url regular out of today limit(500) | 400 | the number of url regular out of today limit(500) |
NumberOutOfLimit | the number of url regular out of today limit(500) | 400 | If the incoming header has a X-Time-Zone, the prompt includes a time interval corresponding to the time zone, such as the number of url regular out of 2018-10-17 01:00:00 GMT+09:00~2018-10-18 00:59: 59GMT+09:00 limit(500) |
NumberPartlyOutOfLimit | [userName]: url regular can only purge [{1}] count this time. Today has purge the number of url regular: [{2}] | 400 | The regular part of the submitted url exceeds the upper limit. If it is not exceeded, it can be executed normally. |
RepeatUrlRegular | running url regular[xxx], please try again after one minute. | 400 | running url regular[xxx], please try again after one minute. |
UserNotAllowedPush | user not allowed push | 400 | user not allowed push |
ErrorChannel | error channel [xxx,xxx]. | 400 | error channel [xxx,xxx]. |
InvalidUrlRegular | invalid url regular [url1,url2]. | 400 | invalid url regular [url1,url2]. |
SystemException | system exception | 500 | system exception |
date=`env LANG="en_US.UTF-8" date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`
password=`echo -en "$date" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac $apiKey -binary | openssl enc -base64`
curl -i --url "" \
-X "POST" \
-u "$username:$password" \
-H "Date:$date" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"Message":"handle success",