다큐멘트 센터 Cloud Live API Guide Download

API Guide Download

최신 업데이트:2021-12-23 15:39:37


CDNetworks cloud video platform API describes each available resource according to the REST specification, and allows the user to access CDNetworks cloud video platform using the HTTP protocol. By using the POST and GET requests, users can also create, view, modify, disable, enable and delete resources. Two response data formats, the json and xml formats, are available for the user to choose during the interaction process.

When receiving the user API request, CDNetworks cloud video platform will first verify whether the userId and the token value are legal. If not, the system will deny the request.

CDNetworks cloud video limits the access frequency of each user account, and the number of requests per minute is no more than 200 times. If there are special demands, the user can contact the CDNetworks staff to lift the restriction.

API requests all need to pass the authentication of CDNetworks cloud video. Before using the cloud video platform, users need to conform that they have become the users of CDNetworks cloud video, and have obtained the userId (AccessKey ID) and the secretKey (AccessKey Secret) which are used to calculate the verification token.

Please refer to instructions under Calling Method chapter for the details of authentication rules.

Download Cloud Live API Guide

Cloud Live API Guide

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