최신 업데이트:2023-10-20 15:36:43
Before you start, please make sure you have set up callback settings. To learn how to configure callback settings, visit Callbacks.
POST request.
For common responses, please visit Response.
The response is in the format shown below:
Parameter | Type | Description |
videoTotal | int | Total videos listed on current page. Videos will be separated and displayed in pages if there are many videos. |
videoListInfo | array | Information of the videos. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
videoName | string | Name of the video. |
videoId | string | Video Identity ID. |
createUser | string | The task creator. |
encrypt | int | Identifies whether or not the video is encrypted. - 0 (Unencrypted) - 1 (Encrypted) |
videoSize | string | Size of the video. |
videoDuration | string | Video length. |
createTime | string | Video creation date. |
uploadTime | string | Video upload time. |
updateTime | string | Video modified time. |
videoDescription | string | Video description. |
videoClassification | string | Video category. |
imageUrl | string | Video cover image URL. |
publishDomain | string | Publish domain. |
flashPlayerName | string | Name of the Flash player used for the video |
flashPlayerId | string | Flash player ID. |
flashImageRatio | int | Video aspect ratio, range: - 0 (16:9) - 1 (4:3) |
flashAutoPlay | int | Whether or not to enable AutoPlay. - 0 (No) - 1 (Yes) |
videoState | string | Video status. - 0 (Unavailable) - 1 (Available) |
transcodeState | string | Progress in video transcoding. When encryption is enabled: - 1 (Encrypted Transcoded) - 2 (Unencrypted Transcoded) - 3 (In Transcoding) - 4 (Failed To Transcode) - 5 (Not Transcoded) When encryption is disabled: - 1 (Transcoded) - 2 (Not Transcoded) - 3 (In Transcoding) - 4 (Failed To Transcode) |
videoSourceCode | int | The value indicates where the video is coming from. - 0 (Others) - 1 (Upload) - 2 (Live Recording) - 3 (Video Fetch) - 4 (Video Trimming) - 5 (Video Splicing) - 6 (Live Recording From CDN Edge) - 10 (Common Live Recording) - 11 (Upload SDK) - 12 (Upload Tool) |
videoResolutions | array | Video resolution info. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
clarity | int | Video quality. - 1 (ORIGINAL) - 2 (FD) - 3 (LD) - 4 (SD) - 5 (HD) - -99 (Live Recording) |
serverType | int | End device type. - 0 (PC) - 1 (Raw Video) - 2 (Mobile) |
height | int | - |
width | int | - |
fileSize | long | Unit: bit. |
"code": 200,
"data": {
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"createUser": "testUser",
"encrypt": 0,
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"flashImageRatio": 0,
"flashPlayerId": "DF2DAF233DDA",
"flashPlayerName": "basic player",
"imageUrl": "http://ovptest.haplat.net//live/201708/4101630234a74ee8864e56ea88e5d290_20170801171220/cloudv-cover/9B0F7BA8BCB9D056D4C24ADDBF821D10.jpg",
"publishDomain": "ovptest.haplat.net",
"transcodeState": "5",
"updateTime": "1501578874",
"uploadTime": "1501578866",
"videoClassification": "null",
"videoDescription": "",
"videoDuration": "36",
"videoId": "9B0F7BA8BCB9D056D4C24ADDBF821D10",
"videoName": "creattest_20170801171220",
"videoResolutions": [
"clarity": -99,
"fileSize": 5579209,
"height": 768,
"serverType": -1,
"width": 1364
"clarity": 1,
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"height": 768,
"serverType": -1,
"width": 1364
"videoSize": "11153160",
"videoSourceCode": 2,
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"createUser": "testUser",
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"flashPlayerId": "DF2DAF233DDA",
"flashPlayerName": "basic player",
"imageUrl": "http://ovptest.haplat.net//live/201708/4101630234a74ee8864e56ea88e5d290_20170801171104/cloudv-cover/E869FC95F3C7493ED56E8751C4AA7BEE.jpg",
"publishDomain": "ovptest.haplat.net",
"transcodeState": "5",
"updateTime": "1501578796",
"uploadTime": "1501578790",
"videoClassification": "null",
"videoDescription": "",
"videoDuration": "15",
"videoId": "E869FC95F3C7493ED56E8751C4AA7BEE",
"videoName": "creattest_20170801171104",
"videoResolutions": [
"clarity": -99,
"fileSize": 2533394,
"height": 768,
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"width": 1364
"clarity": 1,
"fileSize": 2531523,
"height": 768,
"serverType": -1,
"width": 1364
"videoSize": "5064917",
"videoSourceCode": 2,
"videoState": "0"
"videoTotal": 2
"message": "success"
Visit Common Error Code to learn more.