Video Splicing

최신 업데이트:2022-01-07 14:31:29


This interface allows us to splice multiple videos.

Request Description

Request method POST/GET
Interface Address
If token is needed The verification token is needed

Request parameter

Parameter Type Required Remarks
transNo string Yes The transaction ID of trimming task, the length of the ID should be less than or equal to 32 charaters. Please ensure that this ID is globally unique.
videoIds string Yes Videos that need to be spliced, separated by commas in order for splicing.
filename string Yes Output video name/title.
dirId string no The ID of the directory to store the video after splicing
notifyUrl string no URL/Address to receive callback information
suffix string no Output video Formats :
By default, the format is flv

Return parameter

The details of general return results can be found at Return Result.


Input example

curl -X POST 
  -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' 
  -H "Host:" 
 -d  'videoIds=DB7830C077D1CF9B9155892819DB8B29,DB7830C077D1CF9B9155892819DB8B30&transNo=0123456789&filename=testFilename&notifyUrl=http://customer/callback/url'

Notes: For the “public parameter” in the example, please refer to Common Parameters.

Error Code

The following error codes are related to interface service logic. And for common code please refer to Return Result.

Error code Description
1500 Video name exceed 40 characters
1558 Video cannot be spliced
1575 videoIds cannot be empty
1576 videoIds cannot contain special characters
1577 The format of videoIds is incorrect, multiple videos should be separated by commas
1578 The number of videos in videoIds cannot exceed 50
1579 videoIds has a video input error, please try again.
1580 The video in videoIds cannot be duplicated, please try again.
1581 There are videos in videoIds that do not exist or have been deleted, or you don’t have permission to access to the videos.
1602 TRANSNO is illegal
1628 Directory does not exist
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