Delete Single Material

최신 업데이트:2022-01-07 14:31:39


Delete the specified material through this interface.

Request Description

Request method POST/GET
Interface Address
Content-Type Only supports application/json
If token is needed Authentication method V3

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Remarks
id string Yes ID of the material to be deleted
validateOccupy int no Occupancy check, default check.

0: Do not check;

1: check

Return parameter

For common request parameters, please refer to the Request Syntax.


Input example

curl -X POST 
  -H 'content-type: application/json' 
  -H "Host:" 
  -d '{"id"="feb8ec880172100060d1cff500000000"}'

Notes: For the “public parameter” in the example, please refer to Common Parameters.

Error code

The following error codes are related to interface service logic, the generic error code can be found at Return Result.

Error code Description
1301 User has no permission
1004 Parameter error, please make sure all required fields have been filled in
1000 Material id cannot be empty
1004 Material id does not exist
1004 Parameter error
400 Resources are occupied
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