
최신 업데이트:2022-01-07 13:53:24


Cloud VoD provides rich data to assist customers in analyzing their own operations. Through Analytics menu, you can clearly understand the recent user growth and operational trends, and grasp the orientation of hot video content.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

Explore more about the statistics.

  • Usage (CDN Traffic & Bandwidth)
  • Top Ranking (Ranking of domain, visitor(IP) by ISP, URL and Referrer)
  • Viewers (Visitors Statistics,including PV, UV , UA)
  • Status Statistics (HTTP Status Code)
  • Transcoding
    The hourly duration of transcoding will be shown on the following chart, the unit of the data is minute. The total duration of transcoding per day is shown on the table under the chart.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

  • Storage
    The hourly volume of the stored files will be shown on the following chart, the unit of the data is GB. The peak volume of the stored files per day is shown on the table under the chart.

Self-Service Configuration for China Premium Service Onboarding

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