最終更新日:2022-03-01 18:22:25
Used to create a life cycle for the space or replace the original life cycle rules. IAM wos:PutBucketLifecycle permission is required
PUT /?lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Host: Bucket.Endpoint
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LifecycleConfiguration xmlns="https://www.wangsu.com/document ">
Only use public request headers .
The request body is the following xml information
Element name | Element description |
LifecyckeConfiguration | Define the life cycle configuration list. Type: XML Child node: Rule Parent node: empty |
Rule | Define the detailed configuration of a certain life cycle. Type: XML Parent node: LifecycleConfiguration Child node: Filter |
ID | Define a unique identifier for each rule. Type: String Parent node: Rule |
Filter | Define a subset of objects that meet the life cycle rules. This filtering currently only supports prefixes based on object names. If it is not defined (<Filter></Filter>), this life cycle rule is applied to all objects in the space. Type: XML Child node: Prefix Parent node: Rule |
Prefix | Define the filter conditions for the life cycle configuration. Only for objects that meet this prefix in the space, the life cycle configuration will take effect. Type: String Parent node: Filter |
Expiration | Define the expiration rules for objects that meet the Filter in the space. Type: XML Child node: Days|Date Parent node: Rule |
Days | Define the relative expiration days of the object . For example, when the value is 3 , it means that the object that is 3 days after the last modification time is deleted Type: positive integer Parent node: Expiration |
Transition | Conversion rules Type: XML Child node: Days|StorageClass Parent node: Rule |
Days | Days converted Type: positive integer Parent node: Transition |
StorageClass | Conversion type, IA- low frequency, Archive- archive Type: String Parent node: Transition |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-wos-request-id: request id
Content-Type: type
Date: date
Content-Length: length
Server: WS-web-server
Only use public response headers .
Create a rule of 30 days to low frequency, 60 days to archive, and 365 days to delete rules
PUT /?lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Host: bucket.s3-cn-east-1.wcsapi.com
x-amz-date: Sun, 14 May 2017 02:11:21 GMT
Content-MD5: q6yJDlIkcBaGGfb3QLY69A==
Authorization: authorization string
Content-Length: 105
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-wos-request-id: 9E26D08072A8EF9E
Date: Sun, 14 May 2017 02:11:22 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Server: WCS-Web-Server