Port Configuration

最終更新日:2024-08-20 18:13:55

The Port Configuration page supports you integrating Non-websites business (TCP, UDP) with CDNetworks DDoS protection, such as client-based applications.

Go to Port Configuration:

  1. Log in to the CDNetworks Console, find the security product in use under Subscribed Products.
  2. Go to Assets > Port Configuration.
  3. By default, all the created port forwarding rules are shown on this page.

1. Filter data

You can select Protocal, Back-to-origin Mode and type Protected Port as filters to query the specific rules for more details.

2. Configure Rules

  • Click Create Rule button to add your port rules, Or click Modify to edit the configuration. On the Create Rule/Modify page, configure the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Protocol Type Supports TCP and UDP. 
Protected Port
The port used to forward traffic. You can add it by "Port" or "Port Range".  
1. Ports number 80, 8080, 443, 8443 and 65535 are not supported here, you can configure them in the menu of 'Domain Settings'.
2. The same protocol cannot share the same port number. You should configure a different port number if using the same protocol. 
3. For each rule, port range cannot exceed 10 ports. 
Origin Port The port of the origin server. Origin port range should be the same as protected port range. For example: If protected port range is 1000-1001, the origin port range should be set to 1000-1001 by system.
Back-to-Origin Mode
Supports Fast, Polling, and Hash. 
1. Fast:  Focus on servers' response speed, the capacity to handle traffic to ensure high performance and high availability services.
2. Polling: Distribute requests across multiple servers in a circular order to ensure each server gets an equal opportunity to respond to them. 
3. Hash: Distribute requests among processing servers by computing hash values. 
Origin IP/Domain  The IP address/Domain name of the origin server.
  • You can batch create the rules by clicking Create Rule > Batch Create.
  1. Enter rules in the dialog box. Example: TCP 101 101 1;, from left to right: protocol type(TCP/UDP),protected port/port range, origin port/port range,back-to-origin forwarding mode(1:fast,2:polling,3:hash),origin IPs/domains(Separate mutiple IPs/domains with space). Remember to break lines for different rules.
  2. Import .txt file. The format is same as the above example.