Product Introduction
Product Feature
API Shield Feature List
API Asset Management
API Consumer Management
API Security
Request Method Limiting
Body Compliance Detection
Parameter Complicance Detection

Body Compliance Detection

最終更新日:2022-12-23 16:31:09

1 Feature Intro

1.1 Brief Inrtoduction

Configures custom compliance settings to certain bodies, to identify the potential risks.

2 Feature Detail

2.1 Body Compliance Detection

In order to attack a API origin site, the attacker will send API requests with large request data to occupy and consume origin resources. Those requests will slow down or even break down the origin site.

Body compliance detection is designed to block the API request with large request data and ensure the availability of origin site. It define compliant content for the request body, provide maximum constraints,such as:

  • The maximum size of the body
  • The number of JSON nesting levels
  • The number of JSON parameters
  • Limit the content type of the request

Body compliance detection protects your origin site resources from being occupied and maintain the availability of the source site.

2.2 How It Works

Once you enable the body compliance detection,API shield will detect whether the API request body is legitimate or not, if not, the request will be blocked.