更新时间:2022-03-01 18:22:21
Object Storage will add an Authorization field to the notification’s request header.
After setting the notification address NotifyUrl, this address will obtain a [URL-Safe Base64 Encoded] (#/help/details/31/3707) Response message in JSON format. This message is simply the persistent processing result.
The address for receiving the preprocessing result notification must be a public network URL address that can respond normally with HTTP/1.1 200 OK. If there are special characters like spaces, Url Encode encoding is required.
"id": "<id string>",
"code": "<code int>",
"desc": "<desc string>",
"separate":"<separate int>",
"inputkey":"<inputkey string>",
"inputbucket":"<inputbucket string>" ,
"inputfsize":"<inputfsize int>"
"items": [
"cmd": "<cmd string>",
"code": "<code string>",
"costTime": "<costTime int>",
"desc": "<desc string>",
"error": "<error string>",
"fsize": "<fsize int>",
"hash": "<hash string>",
"key": "<key string>",
"url": "<url string>",
"duration": "<duration double>",
"bit_rate": "<bit_rate string>",
"resolution": "<resolution string>",
"detail": [
"fsize": "<fsize int>",
"hash": "<hash string>",
"key": "<key string>",
"url": "<url string>",
"duration": "<duration double>",
"bit_rate": "<bit_rate string>",
"resolution": "<resolution string>"
Field name | Type | Description |
id | string | Upload preprocessing or persistentId returned by the trigger persistent processing interface. |
code | int | Status codes for notification progress. 1 Separate notifications, task processing in progress, 2 Separate notifications, task processing failure, 3 Notification successful. |
desc | string | Detailed description corresponding to the status code. |
separate | string | Separate notification option. 0 indicates notification in one go, 1 indicates separate notifications. |
inputkey | string | Original file name. |
inputbucket | string | Original file bucket. |
inputfsize | int | Original file size. |
items | array | Status information of each operation. If the processing request includes multiple operations, items will contain multiple messages. |
cmd | string | Operation command (ops). |
code | string | Status codes for processing results. 2 Processing failed; 3 Processing successful. |
costTime | int | Time spent for transcoding, which is 0 by default for non-special scenarios. |
desc | string | Detailed description corresponding to the status code. |
error | string | If processing fails, this field will list the specific causes. |
fsize | int | Processed file size. |
hash | string | hash value of the processing result. |
key | string | key value of the processing result. |
url | string | Access path of resource. |
duration | double | Video duration outputted by transcoding. |
bit_rate | string | Video bit rate outputted by transcoding. |
resolution | string | Video resolution outputted by transcoding. |
detail | array | Specific information on each data file when multiple files are outputted. |
fsize | int | Processed file size. |
hash | string | hash value of the processing result. |
key | string | key value of the processing result. |
url | string | Access path of resource url. |
duration | double | Video duration outputted by transcoding. |
bit_rate | string | Video bit rate outputted by transcoding. |
resolution | string | Video resolution outputted by transcoding. |
"desc": "operate ["avthumb/flv"] is finish",
"costTime": 0,
"duration": 198.083,
"bit_rate": "1288025",
"resolution": "1280X720",
"detail": [
"fsize": 20000,
"hash": "FlWvHsc-CK6miygKCcLjCaQ5csNO",
"key": "chenqltesttwo:aaa.flv",
"url": "http://chenqltesttwo.com/aaa.flv",
"duration": 198.083,
"bit_rate": "1288025",
"resolution": "1280X720",