更新时间:2022-04-14 16:08:53
Internet live streaming business involves various types of watching devices and qualities of access network. Thus, content providers need to provide video content in various bitrates for customers to choose. Some content providers are providing self-adaptive bitrates so that users can access video content with the most appropriate bitrates and gain the best experience. In the interactive live streaming business, the anchor usually pushes a stream, requiring CDNetworks to output multiple streams with different bitrates to provide end users with self-adaptive bitrates.
To meet this requirement, CDNetworks rolls out the feature of live transcoding, with which customers can input a high bitrate stream to the CDN platform. Afterwards, the transcoding center of the platform will output multiple live streams with different bitrates in real time based on agreed requirements. In this way, various customer needs customers are fulfilled.
• Media Acceleration Live Broadcast.
This introduction mainly focuses on different elements of the feature and briefs customers on how to use them. These feature elements can be customized.
The live transcoding feature provides transcoding service in response to user requests and requirements. In other words, live transcoding is only triggered when end user requests for transcoded live streams. If end users do not request transcoded live streams, transcoding will not be performed. On-demand transcoding minimizes the transcoding costs for customers.
Live Transcoding includes below functionalities:
Please pay attention to the following points when using transcoding: