更新时间:2023-06-25 17:32:47
CDNetworks offers the capability to record your live streams for timeshifting or later playback. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up live stream recording.
Basic Live Recording
Basic Live Recording is a pre-configured feature that automatically records all of your streamed content into storage for future use.
Selective Live Recording
Selective Recording helps you record parts of streams based on your specific business requirements. It can be achieved through API interface calls and consists of two modes:
Features | Mode | Introduction | API |
Basic Live Recording | After confirming recording rules with the customer, we will set up the corresponding configurations on our backen system. These configurations will enable automatic recording for specific domains, application names, or stream names. | No | |
Selective Live Recording | Real-time recording | Call API to initiate or terminate the recording of on-air live streaming. | Yes |
Preset recording | Use API call to enable or disable the live recording configuration for live streaming that has not yet started. | Yes |
After the recording completes, the recorded files will be automatically stored in your Object Storage. The details of the recording scheme are as follows
We can call your interface to notify the customer when the recording starts or ends. And it is possible to merge notifications based on frequency or number to avoid excessive resource consumption due to frequent notifications.
You will receive JSON information encoded by Base64 with URL-safe characters, and you will need to decode it to access the content. The format of the content after decoding is as follows:
"persistentId": "<persistentId>",
"streamname": "<streamname>",
"ops": "<Record ops>",
"bucket": "<bucket>",
"batch_notify_id": "<batch_notify_id>"
Field name | Required field | Description |
persistentId | Yes | Unique identifier of recording task |
streamname | Yes | Live stream name, format is "application name"-"stream name". |
ops | Yes | Recording parameter, including information such as output format and bit-rate. |
bucket | Yes | Space name for recording storage |
batch_notify_id | No | Associated ID for notification merging. If the result notification merging for multiple recording tasks is configured, the field is null. |
Note: It is required to respond with a 200 status code to confirm that you have successfully received the notification.
"items": [
"persistentId": "< persistentId >",
"streamname": "<streamname>",
"ops": "<ops>",
"bucket": "<bucket>",
"code": "<code>",
"desc": "<desc>",
"error": "<error>",
"keys": [
"urls": [
"detail": [
"key": "<key string>",
"url": "<url string>",
"duration": "<duration double>",
"hash": "<hash string>",
"fsize": "<fsize int>",
"startTime": "<startTime string>",
"endTime": "<endTime string>",
"bit_rate": "<bit_rate string>",
"resolution": "<resolution string>"
"persistentId": "<persistentId >",
"streamname": "<streamname>",
"ops": "<ops>",
"bucket": "<bucket>",
"code": "<code>",
"desc": "<desc>",
"error": "<error>",
"keys": [
"urls": [
"detail": [
"key": "<key string>",
"url": "<url string>",
"duration": "<duration double>",
"hash": "<hash string>",
"fsize": "<fsize int>",
"startTime": "<startTime string>",
"endTime": "<endTime string>",
"bit_rate": "<bit_rate string>",
"resolution": "<resolution string>"
"batch_notify_id": "<batchnotifyid>"
Field name | Required | Description |
persistentId | Yes | Unique identifier of recording task |
streamname | Yes | Live stream name, format is “application name”-“stream name”. |
ops | Yes | Recording parameter, including information such as output format and bit-rate. |
bucket | Yes | Space name of recording storage |
code | Yes | Status code of recording task. Value 1, 2 and 3 means in process, process failed and process succeeded respectively |
desc | Yes | Description of task status code. Value is fileOperateActive, fileOperateFail and fileOperateSucceed, which represents in process, process failed, and process succeeded respectively. |
error | No | Error description |
keys | No | Output file name list. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
urls | No | Access address list of the output file. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
details | No | Detailed information of the output file. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
key | No | Output file name. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
url | No | Access address of the output file. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
duration | No | Duration of the output video file. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
hash | No | Hash value of the output video file. When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
fsize | No | Size of the output video file, unit is B (byte). When the recording is not successful, this field is null. |
startTime | No | Start time of recording |
endTime | No | End time of recording |
bit_rate | No | Video bit-rate of the output file |
resolution | No | Video resolution of the output file |
batch_notify_id | No | Associated ID for notification merging. If result notification merging for multiple recording tasks is configured, this filed is null. |
Note: It is required to respond with a 200 status code to confirm that you have successfully received the notification.
If customers want to enable basic live recording, they should provide the following information to CDNetworks:
To enable basic live recording, you’ll need to provide CDNetworks with the following information:
API has access permission control, and it will only be correctly called when the account has enabled CDNetworks service and inputs parameter with certain rules. Access control policy is determined by three parameters of n, r, k, whose detailed descriptions are as follows:
API address:
http://livect.ossin.cdnetworks.com/v2/api/stream_listen_call.action (Used for Asia area)
http:// livect.osame.cdnetworks.com/v2/api/stream_listen_call.action (Used for Europe and America area)
We’ll use http://livect.ossin.cdnetworks.com/v2/api/stream_listen_call.action as example in below.
Start real-time recording
Method: POST
http://livect.ossin.cdnetworks.com/v2/api/stream_listen_call.action?type=record&domain=ws.test.cn&appname=test&streamnames=pushtest1, pushtest2&n=xxx&r=xxx&k=xxx
Parameter specification
Field name | Field type | Field meaning | Required field | Default value | Example |
type | character string | Control type | Yes | record | record= record |
domain | character string | Domain name | Yes | ws.test.com | |
appname | character string | Application name | Yes | test | |
stream names | character string | stream name | Yes | Support multiple streams, and the stream names are separated by “,”, for example: push_test1,push_test2 | |
n | character string | User | Yes | ||
r | character string | Random number | Yes | Current timestamp | |
k | character string | Verification value | Yes | Md5(r+token) |
Example Response
Correct :HTTP-CODE 200
"msg": "success", // prompt
"http_code": 200, // business status
"trace_id": "0e06b1cb-5bfc-47e4-872f-6dac38dd0f54", // transaction record
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34", // request time
"list": [ // task details
"task": "flv", // file format
"id": "test", // stream name
"http_code": 200, // process succeed
"msg": null, // prompt
"persistentId": "21_111222233344567885555544" // file identifier
Authentication parameter missing: HTTP-CODE 403
"msg": "apiName, n, r, k not exist or empty",
"http_code": 1002,
"trace_id": "74abec25-5662-4d6c-88a7-db15f7fd7e70",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34"
No permission:HTTP-CODE 403
Partial failure:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP_BODY is as follows:
"msg": "stream record part of failure",
"http_code": 1011,
"trace_id": "cee8e3f7-e1ab-4d9c-ad98-2259045a6bac",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": [
"task": "flv",
"id": "id",
"http_code": 200,
"msg": null,
"persistentId": "21_111222233344567885555544"
"task": "jpg",
"id": "id",
"http_code": 1007, // prompt for non-success
"msg": "call wcs failure", // prompt for failure
"persistentId": null
Stop recording
Method: DELETE
Example Response
Correct: HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as follows:
"msg": "success",
"http_code": 200,
"trace_id": "8fe8e186-8435-4f6b-b38e-d30854dfe467",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": [
"task": "jpg",
"http_code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"persistentId": "21_111222233344567885555544"
Request parameter error:HTTP-CODE 400
No permission:HTTP-CODE 403
Control task does not exist:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as follows:
"msg": "id:stop record param not exists;id2:stop record param not exists;",
"http_code": 1007,
"trace_id": "3caed803-63d4-4e2a-8a8e-abc9160e2977",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": []
API address
We’ll use http://livect.ossin.cdnetworks.com/v2/api/ stream_listen_setting.action as example in below.
Enable pre-set recording
Method: POST
Parameter specification
Field name | Field type | Field meaning | Required field | Default value | Example |
type | character string | Control type | Yes | record | Type=record, indicates recording |
domain | character string | Domain name | Yes | ws.test.com | |
appname | character string | Application name | No | test | |
stream names | character string | stream name | No | Support multiple streams, and the stream names are separated by “,”, for example: push_test1,push_test2 | |
n | character string | User | Yes | ||
r | character string | Random number | Yes | Current timestamp | |
k | character string | Verification value | Yes | Md5(r+token) |
Example Response
Correct:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as below:
"msg": "success",
"http_code": 200,
"trace_id": "d891992f-ce3a-41d3-ac6e-37695e797aac",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34"
Authentication parameter is missing:HTTP-CODE 403
"msg": "apiName, n, r, k not exist or empty",
"http_code": 1002,
"trace_id": "74abec25-5662-4d6c-88a7-db15f7fd7e70",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34"
No permission:HTTP-CODE 403
Disable pre-set recording
Method: DELETE
Example Response
When it is correct:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as below:
"msg": "success",
"http_code": 200,
"trace_id": "8fe8e186-8435-4f6b-b38e-d30854dfe467",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": [
"task": "jpg",
"http_code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"persistentId": "21_111222233344567885555544"
Request parameter error:HTTP-CODE 400
No permission:HTTP-CODE 403
Control task does not exist:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as below:
"msg": "id:stop record param not exists;id2:stop record param not exists;",
"http_code": 1007,
"trace_id": "3caed803-63d4-4e2a-8a8e-abc9160e2977",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": []
Query recording tasks
Method: GET
Return value of the recording query task
Correct:HTTP-CODE 200,HTTP-BODY is as below:
"msg": "success",
"http_code": 200,
"trace_id": "bed5431b-2569-488e-a71c-75ab76431a04",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34",
"list": [
"function": "record",
"domain": "push.cloud-director.8686c.com",
"appName": "live",
"streamName": "1",
"isDeleted": 1,
"createTime": 1501582307
"function": "record",
"domain": "push.cloud-director.8686c.com",
"appName": "live",
"streamName": "2",
"isDeleted": 1,
"createTime": 1501582307
} ]
Authentication parameter is missing:HTTP-CODE 403
"msg": "apiName, n, r, k not exist or empty",
"http_code": 1002,
"trace_id": "74abec25-5662-4d6c-88a7-db15f7fd7e70",
"call_time": "2017-08-02 11:43:34"
No permission:HTTP-CODE 403
Code | Prompt | Description |
1001 | Request parameter is incomplete | Parameter is missing |
Request parameter channel is error | Domain name error | |
1002 | authentication is failure | Authentication failed |
sign is not right | Signature error | |
apiName, n, r, k not exist or empty | Parameter cannot be emptyr | |
random is repeat | Random number repeats | |
random.lengthgt 25 or key.length ne 32 | Random number length error | |
Md5 is error | MD5 verification error | |
you do not have right to access this api | Token value is not found, and report no permission to access the interface | |
frequency is great than limitCount | Interface calling frequency is greater than limited times | |
user and host not relation | Use name is not bound with this domain | |
1003 | get liveChannelStatus from redisrealTime table error | |
update PersistentId failure | ||
1004 | live_channel_status is not exist the record | Streams to be recorded does not exist in the real-time streams |
1005 | record_parameter_confis not exist the record | Recording parameter configuration does not exist |
1006 | record_single_stream_startwcs'sb result persistentId is empty | Recording parameter configuration is not complete |
persistentId is null or empty | ||
1007 | WCS interface calling failure, and the error information is provided by WCS | |
call wsc failure | WCS calling error. For example: cannot connect to WCS, connection timeout, configured WCS address error | |
1008 | add stream record failure | Stream recording configuration error |