MA :: Video Features

更新时间:2022-06-28 15:35:44

• Entrance
Product → Media Acceleration → Configuration → Edit Configuration → Video Features

• Introduction
With this configuration, you can configure the way of video dragging for Media Acceleration product.

1 MA :: Video Dragging

• Introduction
This function is used to change the way of Video Dragging for a MA domain.
• Guide for operations
Click “Modify” to modify the video dragging settings.

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  1. File type : There are 3 options can be selected, ALL, MP4 and FLV.
  2. MP4 Drag Mode: You can choose time-based drag or byte-based drag for MP4 files.
  3. FLV Drag Mode: You can choose time-based drag or byte-based drag for FLV files.
  4. Start Identification: You can set the identifier in the URL that signify the start of the drag.
  5. End Identification: You can set the identifier in the URL that signify the end of the drag.
    New CDNetworks POPs online in South America, North America, Asia, and Africa

Click “Confirm” to save the configurations.

• Examples
Assume that a domain was configured as below:
New CDNetworks POPs online in South America, North America, Asia, and Africa
For MP4 files, the dragging
