文档中心 Cloud VoD API (New) Common Error Codes

Common Error Codes

更新时间:2023-10-20 15:40:31

General Error Codes

Error Code Description
200 Operation successful
300 Operation failed, please contact customer service
900 System exception
1000 Invalid parameters
1001 Invalid Token
1002 timeStamp, token, and userId cannot be empty
1003 Incorrect userId
1004 Parameter error, please ensure all required fields are filled
1006 Incorrect request method
1008 No permission to request VOD API
1010 Please provide a correct timeStamp
1011 timeStamp expired after 5 minutes, please re-enter
1012 Parameter value out of valid range
1013 Invalid format parameter
4001 Authentication parameter error, check if all required parameters are provided
4002 Error in X-WS-AccessKey parameter, check if the key exists, or if there are extra or missing characters
4003 X-WS-Timestamp parameter error, the time format should be a second-level timestamp
4004 X-WS-Timestamp expired, should not differ from server time by more than 5 minutes
4005 host parameter error, please check
4006 content-type parameter error, please check
4007 Authentication failed, please check parameters
4008 Authentication failed, check if the signature calculation is wrong or if it does not match the sent content. Could also be due to wrong AccessKey Secret
4009 Signature has been used, please regenerate authentication parameters
4021 API authentication parameter error
4022 API authentication operation failed

Business Error Codes

Error Code Description
1005 Ensure uploaded file is less than 1MB
1100 Player does not exist
1101 Player already exists
1102 Player name exceeds length limit
1103 Player name contains special characters
1104 Player description exceeds length limit
1105 Player description contains special characters
1106 Logo transparency should be between 0-100
1107 Logo file URL is invalid
1108 Logo position setting is invalid
1109 Logo display should be 0 or 1
1110 playerId cannot be empty
1111 playerId input is too long
1112 Player name cannot be empty
1113 playerIds cannot be empty
1114 playerIds cannot only have commas
1115 All players do not exist
1116 playerIds contains special characters, only English commas, letters, and numbers are allowed
1117 Operation failed! Some players are being used by channels!
1118 playerId contains special characters
1119 Operation failed! The player is being used by a channel!
1120 inUse can only be 0 or 1
1121 No player data found
1122 setSpots cannot be empty
1123 setSpots can only be 0 or 1
1124 When setSpots is 1, videoId cannot be empty
1125 videoId contains special characters
1126 Only admins have permission to insert videos
1127 No insertion video information
1128 Failed to enable insertion video information
1129 This player has already inserted a video
1130 Failed to disable insertion video information
1131 This player has already disabled insertion video
1132 playerSkin can only be an integer between 1-4
1133 Ensure the player logo image file is only in JPG or PNG format
1134 Failed to save player logo settings
1135 Player settings updated successfully, but failed to upload player logo image to WCS
1200 Channel name is too long
1201 Channel does not exist
1203 Operation failed!
1204 Save failed, no available domains to assign!
1205 Channel name contains special characters
1206 Pull domain for channel does not exist
1207 Push domain for channel does not exist
1208 Push domain cannot be empty!
1209 Pull domain cannot be empty
1210 Deletion failed
1211 Number of channels cannot exceed 50
1212 Corresponding domain not found!
1213 Code type error
1214 Auto-play setting error
1215 Player size setting error
1216 Channel name already exists
1217 Pull ID for channel does not exist
1218 Push protocol error
1219 Pull protocol error
1220 Pull bitrate error
1221 Channel name cannot be empty
1222 Channel type contains special characters
1223 Channel type cannot be empty
1224 Resetting Push ID is only valid for 0 or 1
1225 No permission to edit other customer’s channels
1226 Only permitted to edit channels created by yourself
1227 Channel has already started live recording
1228 Channel recording add-on service not started
1229 Failed to start live recording
1230 Channel type error
1231 Channel is live streaming, cannot be edited
1232 Channel has stopped recording
1233 Failed to stop live recording
1234 Currently live streaming, cannot start recording
1235 Currently live streaming, cannot stop recording
1236 No channel data found
1237 Channel has been banned, cannot be edited
1238 Currently live streaming, cannot enable timestamp anti-theft
1239 Currently banned, cannot enable timestamp anti-theft
1240 Timestamp anti-theft add-on service not started
1241 Timestamp anti-theft duration cannot be empty
1242 Timestamp anti-theft duration must be a positive integer greater than 0
1243 Timestamp anti-theft duration exceeds integer size
1244 Failed to update timestamp anti-theft validity, please try again
1245 Currently banned, cannot stop recording!
1246 Currently banned, cannot start recording!
1247 Incorrect source IP format or not a public IP
1248 Source-side pull protocol error
1249 Source-side pull domain does not exist
1250 Source-side pull channel does not exist
1251 Resetting Source Pull ID is only valid for 0 or 1
1252 Source-side pull domain cannot be empty
1253 Source-side pull protocol cannot be empty
1254 Pull bitrate cannot be empty
1255 Default pull protocol (RTMP) is not in domain configuration, please manually specify the pull protocol
1256 In pull protocol, 2 (HLS), 3 (HDS), 4 (HTTP-TS) cannot be selected simultaneously
1257 Current interface not applicable to source-side pull channel
1258 Use source-side pull class interface
1259 pullId does not exist or is not applicable for this interface
1260 Source-side pull URL cannot be empty
1261 Incorrect format for source-side pull URL
1262 Source-side pull URL length is too long
1263 User-side pull domain not configured, please contact admin
1264 Source-side pull URL format must match source-side pull protocol
1265 User-side pull domain cannot be empty
1266 User-side pull bitrate error
1267 Source-side pull protocol not supported
1268 Domain with activated service cannot be empty!
1269 Domain contains special characters, please re-enter!
1270 Maximum of 10 domains can be entered!
1271 Authorization duration cannot be empty!
1272 Please enter a non-negative integer for authorization duration!
1273 Authorization duration must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 36000
1274 Incorrect domainString format, multiple domains should be separated by commas
1275 Error in domainString, please re-enter!
1276 Domains in domainString cannot be repeated, please re-enter!
1277 Whiteboard feature not enabled!
1278 Invalid or associated whiteboard id!
1300 User does not exist
1301 User has no permission
1302 userId cannot be empty
1303 pullId cannot be empty
1304 pullDomain cannot be empty
1305 beginTime cannot be empty
1306 endTime cannot be empty
1307 searchTime cannot be empty
1308 No data matching the criteria
1309 Resetting pullId field cannot be empty
1310 pullIds cannot be empty
1311 pullIds contains special characters
1312 pullIds cannot only contain commas
1313 Some pullIds do not exist! Or are out of your permission range!
1314 Banning pullId failed
1315 pullId has already been banned
1316 Deleting pullId failed
1317 pullId has already been copied or is currently live streaming
1318 Copying pullId failed
1319 Failed to get live status information
1320 listOrder can only be 0 or 1
1321 listOrder cannot be empty
1322 pageIndex must be an integer greater than 0
1323 pageSize must be an integer between 1 and 50
1324 pageIndex value too large
1325 pushDomain cannot be empty
1326 pullId is incorrect
1327 pullIds are incorrect
1328 pullId contains special characters
1329 pushDomain is incorrect
1330 pushDomains are incorrect
1331 pageIndex exceeds integer size
1332 Time format should be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
1333 Please enter the correct time
1334 Please enter the correct start time as required
1335 Please enter the correct end time as required
1336 Illegal time range for recording file split
1337 The task corresponding to this pullId already exists. Please do not add it again.
1338 Live recording failed.
1339 The channel corresponding to this pullId has been banned. Please enter again.
1340 Resumption failed, operation time interval between banning and resuming is too short. Please try again later.
1400 Time format error.
1401 Data retrieval failed.
1403 Start time format error.
1404 End time format error.
1405 Start time cannot be greater than the current time.
1406 End time cannot be greater than the current time.
1407 Start time cannot be greater than end time.
1408 searchTime cannot be greater than the current time.
1409 searchTime format error.
1410 Micro-window is enabled, screenshot generated.
1411 Bucket cannot be empty.
1412 httpClientResult returned null.
1413 Failed to call the interface to enable the micro-window.
1414 fileFullUrl is empty.
1415 This video has disabled the micro-window preview feature.
1416 Failed to update the closure of the micro-window preview feature.
1417 Failed to update the opening of the micro-window preview feature.
1418 Micro-window feature not enabled.
1419 Screenshot is being taken for this video.
1500 Video name exceeds 100 characters.
1501 Video name exceeds 200 characters.
1502 Video does not exist.
1503 videoId cannot be empty.
1504 videoId contains special characters.
1505 No permission to block this video.
1506 This video has already been blocked.
1507 Video blocking failed.
1508 Video blocking failed.
1509 This video has already been enabled.
1510 Video enabling failed.
1511 Video enabling failed.
1512 Incorrect start time format, please enter in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
1513 Incorrect end time format, please enter in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
1515 videoStatus can only be 0 or 1.
1516 transcodeState can only be an integer between 1-5.
1517 videoClassification can only contain Chinese, English, letters, and commas.
1518 Video input contains special characters.
1519 Ensure the start time is less than the end time.
1520 Time parameter input is incorrect.
1521 No video data found.
1522 No permission to delete this video.
1523 Video deletion failed.
1524 Video deletion failed.
1525 No permission to enable this video.
1526 Video description is too long.
1527 Domain input contains special characters.
1528 flashAutoPlay can only be 0 or 1.
1529 flashImageRatio can only be 0 or 1.
1530 Video information editing failed.
1531 Domain does not exist.
1532 codeType input is illegal.
1533 No permission to block the video.
1534 Video is already blocked, operation is forbidden.
1535 No permission to obtain the publishing code.
1536 This video has not been successfully transcoded, publishing code cannot be obtained.
1537 Input category does not exist.
1540 videoIds cannot be empty.
1541 videoIds contain special characters.
1542 videoIds cannot only contain commas.
1543 Watermark template name is too long.
1544 Transcoding combination name is too long.
1545 Some videoIds do not exist or are not within your permission range.
1546 Watermark template does not exist.
1547 Transcoding combination template does not exist.
1548 Some videos in videoIds are currently being transcoded.
1549 Some videos in videoIds have been blocked.
1550 Default transcoding combination does not exist.
1551 Video is currently being transcoded.
1552 fileList parameter cannot be empty.
1553 fileList parameter format is incorrect.
1554 notifyUrl parameter format is incorrect.
1555 separate parameter is incorrect.
1556 Video file URL retrieval failed.
1557 The number of URLs pulled cannot exceed 50.
1558 Video cannot be spliced.
1559 Video cut time range is illegal.
1560 Video is currently being processed.
1561 Video frame rate parameter is incorrect.
1562 Audio sample rate parameter is incorrect.
1563 Video bitrate parameter is incorrect.
1564 Audio bitrate parameter is incorrect.
1565 Resolution parameter is incorrect.
1566 Video does not exist or has been deleted, or is not within your permission range.
1567 Video cannot be cut.
1568 Video format is incorrect.
1569 Video operation is forbidden.
1570 Unified parameter is incorrect.
1571 Album name cannot be empty.
1572 Album name cannot exceed 40 characters.
1573 Album name can only contain Chinese characters, letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and underscores.
1574 Album name already exists, please re-enter.
1575 videoIds cannot be empty.
1576 videoIds cannot contain special characters.
1577 videoIds format is incorrect; multiple videos should be separated by commas.
1578 The number of videos in videoIds cannot exceed 50.
1579 Some videoIds have incorrect input, please re-enter.
1580 Videos in videoIds cannot be repeated, please re-enter.
1581 Some videos in videoIds do not exist, have been deleted, or are not within your permission range.
1582 videoIds should not include videos that have not been transcoded or have been blocked.
1583 Videos in videoIds must have consistent encryption types, please re-enter.
1584 This integrated task does not exist.
1584 Album classification can only contain Chinese, English, letters, and commas.
1585 albumId cannot be empty.
1586 albumId is invalid.
1587 albumId does not exist, has been deleted, or is not within your permission range.
1588 Incorrect input for album classification.
1589 The original video bitrate is lower than the minimum bitrate in this transcoding combination, no need to transcode.
1590 Failed to obtain original video information, cannot transcode.
1601 TRANSNO cannot be empty.
1602 TRANSNO is invalid.
1603 TRANSNO does not exist.
1604 MD5 value cannot be empty.
1605 File MD5 value length is too long.
1606 Video name cannot be empty.
1607 Incorrect video source.
1608 Overwrite policy value can only be 0 or 1.
1609 Video size can only be a non-negative integer.
1610 Video size is out of range.
1611 Recording directory management value-added service not activated.
1612 Directory type cannot be empty.
1613 Directory type cannot exceed 40 characters.
1614 Directory type can only contain Chinese characters, letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and underscores.
1615 Directory type already exists, please re-enter.
1616 The first-level directory cannot be empty.
1617 The first-level directory can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1618 The first-level directory cannot exceed 64 characters.
1619 The second-level directory can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1620 The second-level directory cannot exceed 64 characters.
1621 The third-level directory can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1622 The third-level directory cannot exceed 64 characters.
1623 If the second-level directory is not filled in, no characters may be entered in the third-level directory.
1624 The first-level directory cannot have the same name as a reserved word.
1625 First, second, and third-level directories cannot start with ‘cloudv’ or ‘cloudv-’.
1626 directoryId cannot be empty.
1627 directoryId is invalid.
1628 directoryId does not exist, has been deleted, or is not within your permission range.
1629 directoryId is in use by a channel and cannot be deleted.
1630 TRANSNO already exists.
1631 The live recording task has been terminated or ended.
1632 Cloud directing value-added service not activated.
1633 Source-side streaming value-added service not activated.
1634 Real-time recording value-added service not activated.
1635 The total file size of the documents has exceeded the limit.
1636 Some videos in videoIds do not have source files.
1637 The number of batch operations cannot exceed 50.
1638 Cloud directing execution failed.
1639 The cloud directing instance does not exist or does not belong to the owner.
1640 Exceeded the maximum instance limit.
1641 Exceeded the maximum input source limit.
1642 The start time cannot be earlier than the first day of last month.
1643 The interval between the start and end time cannot exceed 7 days.
1644 Subtitle file does not exist.
1645 This transcoding combination has video formats that do not support subtitles; please choose another transcoding combination.