更新时间:2022-01-07 14:31:40
This interface allows us to query the splicing task status.
Request method | POST/GET |
Interface Address | https://api.cloudv.haplat.net/vod/videoManage/videoConcatQuery |
If token is needed | The verification token is needed |
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
transNo | string | Yes | Transaction ID of trimming task, the length of the ID should be less than or equal to 32 charaters. |
The details of general return results can be found at Return Result.
The structure of returned data when the result is successful:
Parameter | Type | Description |
taskId | string | Task ID |
transNo | string | Transaction ID |
status | int | 1 (processing) 2 (successful) 3 (failed) |
videoInfo | obj | There will be values return only when the task is successful. |
videoInfo field details:
Parameter | Type | Description |
videoName | string | Video name |
videoId | string | Video ID |
encrypt | int | Whether to encrypt the transcoded file: 0 (unencrypted) 1 (encrypted) |
videoSize | string | The total size of original video and transcoded videos. |
videoDuration | string | Video duration |
uploadTime | string | Video upload time |
updateTime | string | Video modification time |
videoDescription | string | Video description |
videoClassification | string | Video classification |
imageUrl | string | Video poster image URL |
publishDomain | string | Video publishing domain |
playerName | string | The name of the player template used by the video |
playerId | string | The ID of the player template used by the video |
videoState | string | Video status: 0 (enabled) 1 (disabled) |
transcodeState | string | Transcoding status codes when video encryption is not enabled: 1 (transcoded) 2 (not transcoded) 3 (transcoding) 4 (Failed to transcode) Transcoding status codes when video encryption is enabled: 1 (encrypted and transcoded) 2 (non-encrypted transcoding) 3 (transcoding) 4 (Failed to transcode) 5 (not transcoded) |
videoSourceCode | int | Video source: 0 (other) 1 (uploaded) 2 (Live to VoD recording) 3 (Video pulling) 4 (Video Trimming) 5 (Video splicing) 6 (Edge pull streaming recording) 10 (Universal version of live recording) 11 (Upload SDK) 12 (upload tool) |
videoResolutions | array | Video quality and other information |
VideoResolutions data structure:
Parameter | Type | Description |
clarity | int | Quality: 1 (Original quality) 2 (LD) 3 (SD) 4 (HD) 5 (UHD) -99 (Recorded file) |
serverType | int | Terminal type: 0 (PC) 1 (original video) |
height | int | height |
width | int | width |
fileSize | long | File size in bits |
curl -X POST http://api.cloudv.haplat.net/vod/videoManage/videoConcatQuery
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
-H "Host: api.cloudv.haplat.net"
-d 'transNo=0251168101641000f4cf4da800000000'
Notes: For the “public parameter” in the example, please refer to Common Parameters.
"code": 200,
"data": {
"status": 2,
"taskId": "025d0ca201641000acce255700000000",
"transNo": "0251168101641000f4cf4da800000000",
"videoInfo": {
"encrypt": 0,
"playerId": "DF2DAF233DDA",
"playerName": "基础播放器",
"imageUrl": "http://ovptest.haplat.net/concat/2018-06-15/025d0ca2016410003a485fa100000000/cloudv-cover/025d0ca201641000a55933ca00000000.jpg",
"publishDomain": "ovptest.haplat.net",
"transcodeState": "5",
"updateTime": "1529048100",
"uploadTime": "1529048009",
"videoClassification": "",
"videoDescription": "",
"videoDuration": "7202",
"videoId": "025d0ca201641000a55933ca00000000",
"videoName": "ew",
"videoResolutions": [
"clarity": 1,
"fileSize": 1223912405,
"height": 720,
"serverType": -1,
"width": 1280
"videoSize": "1223912405",
"videoSourceCode": 5,
"videoState": "0"
"message": "操作成功"
The following error codes are related to interface service logic. And for common code please refer to Return Result.
Error code | Description |
1560 | Video is being processed |
1601 | TRANSNO cannot be empty |
1602 | TRANSNO is illegal |
1603 | TRANSNO does not exist |